I do not make the blades on the site. I get them from distributors who feature blades made all over the world. This means that the knives you see are in the steel, size and shape combination I have available to me.
The blades come in a variety of steels. I have several blades that are made of 440C Stainless Steel. This is an extremely hard, rust resistant metal, and holds a great edge. I used my first knife on several camping trips, field dressed, skinned and butchered a deer, and still did not have to sharpen it. I did touch it up on a fine stone, because I felt guilty about not having had to do anything to it. There are two basic finishes in the stainless knives, satin and high polish. The satin blades are lighter due to a thinner overall blade and handle section, 1/8" compared to 5/32". The high polished blades are beautiful to look at, very classy. It is a trade off of a little more weight for a little more style.
Damascus blades are also available. These blades are beautiful, and add a lot of class to the end product. They are not as hard a steel, so require sharpening more regularly. However the time at the stone is less. They also require more care to prevent rusting. There are a lot of different styles and sizes available, so inquire if you are interested in a size or shape not shown on the site.
There are many more blade styles and materials available than represented here on the site. The blades that make up what I show here are primarily forged in America. I can also get the classic "Russell Green River" blades, blades forged in Germany of High Carbon Steel, as well as ones forged in Sweden. There are blades with gut hooks, and knives that are 12 1/2" long with a 8" blade; the possibilities are endless. Remember, my goal is to produce the knife you have always wanted and will use with pride for the rest of your life.
I have designed the handles to fit comfortably in the hand. I do my best to design each handle to fit the hand of the user. I may ask for a tracing of your hand and discuss your preferences when you place your deposit. I leave a small ridge a finger width behind the brass guard. I find that this really helps give control to the blade in a wide variety of hand positions. This also helps relieve some of the strain of working with the blade over a long time, particularly in chores such as skinning. I can make the handle out of any material you desire. I love working with black walnut because of the richness of it’s pattern. However I can work with bone, antler or any wood you desire. Do you have wood that was cut off of your property? Or an antler from a raghorn or spike bull that you are not going to mount, but would still like to honor and remember?. Choose wood from the same type of tree you, or your child, took a first deer from. Wood from your family’s homestead, or grandpa’s barn. The only limitations are your imagination. All the handles are shaped with hand tools, and sanded by hand to 600 grit . They are finished in a durable water proof oil finish or Urethane that brings out the luster and beauty of the wood.